Hometown: East Jerusalem
Program: Pharmacology

What attracted you to your field?
After obtaining my pharmacy degree, I wanted to understand the research behind the conception of the drug to the point where it reaches the market.
In 10 years, what UBC moment will you still be talking about?
The moment the chair of my oral defense called me from outside the room and said “Congratulations Doctor Badran.”
What’s next for you?
I am very keen to continue research in the field of sleep apnea and developmental programming while teaching pharmacology. Eventually, I would like to run my own lab and find a treatment for sleep apnea.
As you look ahead, what (or who) inspires you?
I am inspired by every person who has the will to protect themselves, their society and their environment in such critical times where unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and climate change are destroying our nations and precious world.
Name one thing on your bucket list.
Climbing the Eight Summits.