Hometown: Victoria, British Columbia
Program: MD Undergraduate Program (Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program)

What attracted you to your field?
I was attracted to a career in medicine because I wanted to help people. More specifically, I was attracted to a career in family medicine because it is a specialty in which I can develop longitudinal relationships with patients, practice medicine that will keep them well, and support them within the context of their lives.
Poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “To know even one life has breathed easier, because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” This quote resonates deeply with me and abstractly summarizes my motivation for pursuing family medicine.
In 10 years, what UBC moment will you still be talking about?
The CaRMS tour – it was such a unique experience and one that encouraged some serious self-reflection. I learned a ton about myself, met many new wonderful people, and got to explore Canada in all its winter glory.
What’s next for you?
I matched to Family Medicine in Ottawa. Following my training, I look forward to practicing in both office and acute settings.
As you look ahead, what (or who) inspires you?
I continue to be inspired by physicians who demonstrate that they have mastered the art of medicine through their ability to support patients in extraordinarily difficult situations.
Name one thing on your bucket list.
Learn to ride a motorcycle!