
UBC-CFRI team receives funding to predict adverse effects of childhood cancer treatments
April 18, 2012A team led by Kirk Schultz, Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, has received $4.3 million in funding. Read More >

An international collaboration targets a rare cancer
April 18, 2012Privately-funded collaborative includes Torsten Nielsen, Associate Professor in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. Read More >

UBC-BC Cancer Agency team reveals the diversity of breast cancer
April 18, 2012The study, co-led by Sam Aparicio, Professor in the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, could advance treatments. Read More >

UBC researchers explore cognitive impairment and medication adherence in MS patients
April 17, 2012Martin McKeown, Professor in the Division of Neurology, will co-lead a collaborative study with Parkinson's researchers. Read More >

Province announces education improvements for University Hospital of Northern British Columbia
April 17, 2012The Province is moving ahead with planning for improvements to education facilities to support medical training at University Hospital of Northern British Columbia (UHNBC), as part of Budget 2012. The improvements include a library and lecture space to enable small- and large-group learning for students and residents in the Northern Medical Program, a partnership created […] Read More >

UBC scientists reveal a breast cancer’s insidious evolution
April 4, 2012Faculty of Medicine researchers have decoded the genetic make-up of triple negative breast cancer, which could lead to more effective treatment. The study, published online April 4 in the journal Nature, reveals that this form of cancer is not one distinct single entity, but an extremely complex and evolved tumour with an unprecedented range of […] Read More >

Faculty members explore potential of metagenomics to test water quality
March 26, 2012Just over a decade ago, a small Ontario town was the epicenter of Canada’s most significant drinking water related disaster. Close to half of Walkerton’s 5,000 residents fell ill and seven people lost their lives due to the highly dangerous strain of E. coli bacteria found in their drinking water. A research team led by […] Read More >

Province provides $500,000 for interCultural Online Health Network (iCON)
March 26, 2012iCON connects health practitioners and community members to learn about chronic disease prevention and management. Read More >

Neuroethicist recommends guidelines on reporting research incidental findings
March 26, 2012 Read More >

Province invests $5 million in prostate centre
March 19, 2012B.C. Ministry of Health news release | March 19, 2012 B.C. men are to benefit from a $5-million provincial grant to the Vancouver Prostate Centre, a University of British Columbia and Vancouver General Hospital Centre of Excellence and world leader in research and treatment of prostate cancer. “We need to ensure B.C. remains at the […] Read More >

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