Dr. Kevin Eva, associate director and senior scientist in the Faculty of Medicine’s, Centre for Health Education Scholarship is the recipient of the 2020 Ian Hart Award for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education.

Kevin Eva
Established in 1992 in honour of Dr. Ian Hart, founder of Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME), the award recognizes senior faculty who have made an exceptional contribution to medical education throughout their academic career.
“Canada leads the world in health professional education scholarship as a result of the dedication, talent, and ingenuity of a great many people, who have provided me with countless hours of inspiration, motivation and drive to do whatever I can to help fulfil the Centre for Health Education Scholarship’s vision of promoting health through education scholarship,” Eva said. “This award is a further reminder of just how fortunate I’ve been throughout my career to have stumbled into a field rife with supportive and constructive colleagues. I’m exceptionally proud to be affiliated with such a great community.”
Dr. Kevin Eva is also a professor and director of educational research and scholarship in the department of medicine. He completed his PhD in Cognitive Psychology (McMaster University) in 2001 and became Editor-in-Chief for the journal Medical Education in 2008.
In addition, Dr. Eva maintains a number of international appointments including visiting professor at the University of Bern (Switzerland), Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne (Australia), and Honorary Skou Professor of Health Sciences Education at Aarhus University (Denmark). He has consulted broadly around the globe including advisory roles for the National Board of Medical Examiners (US) and National Health Services Education (Scotland), and he works extensively with the Medical Council of Canada and College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.
The award — including a commemorative plaque and a prize of $1,000 — will be presented to Dr. Eva at the Canadian Conference on Medical Education later this spring.
Learn more about the Centre for Health Education Scholarship here.