
The UBC Faculty of Medicine delivers innovative programs in the areas of health and life sciences through a province-wide delivery model. Programs are available at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels, as well as through continuing professional education and public education initiatives.

Graduatehealth professionsPrograms

Audiology & Speech Sciences (MSc & PhD)

February 23, 2018

Ours is the only program in British Columbia to educate audiologists and speech-language pathologists. Academic and practical teaching allows students to gain both theoretical and hands-on knowledge.


Biomedical Engineering (BASc, MASc, MEng & PhD)

February 22, 2018

The innovative undergraduate and graduate programs emphasize a balance of biomedical engineering and life science study with a focus on clinical and industrial application.


Biomedical Research (MSc & PhD Programs)

February 20, 2018

Our research-based programs provide opportunities for training in subjects ranging from the diversity of basic biomedical sciences to clinical and health services research.


Combined MD/PhD

May 20, 2015

Our combined MD/PhD program provides students with the opportunity to combine medical school with intensive scientific training.

health professionsMedicalPrograms

Continuing Professional Development

February 21, 2018

Our team of medical education professionals are dedicated to helping physicians across BC improve their knowledge, professional performance and technical skills.

health professionsMedicalProgramsUndergraduate

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

May 22, 2015

With campuses across the province, the UBC MD program is educating some of the best physicians for British Columbia and beyond.

Graduatehealth professionsPrograms

Genetic Counselling (MSc)

February 20, 2018

A unique two year graduate program leading to an MSc degree in Genetic Counselling. The program has full accreditation status by the American Board of Genetic Counseling.


Global Surgical Care (GCGSC, MGSC)

May 5, 2015

The graduate certificate and master’s degree programs are designed for students, trainees and health care professionals interested in focusing on the global health burden of unmet surgical care.


Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc)

May 11, 2015

BMLSc students learn theoretical knowledge in a broad range of subjects as well as practical, hands-on experience in a variety of lab techniques.

health professionsProgramsUndergraduate

Midwifery (BMW)

May 16, 2015

Our program prepares graduates to work as primary caregivers for childbearing women, newborns, and their families. Students learn in classroom settings and gain clinical experience across the province.

Graduatehealth professionsPrograms

Occupational Therapy (MOT)

May 15, 2015

Our MOT program prepares graduates to provide services to maintain, restore or improve the ability of patients to perform in the areas of self-care, productivity and leisure activities.

Graduatehealth professionsPrograms

Physical Therapy (MPT)

May 14, 2015

Our MPT program prepares students to assess and treat movement dysfunction in people. The fully distributed program provides students with the opportunity to learn in Vancouver, Surrey, Victoria or Prince George.


Population and Public Health

May 12, 2015

A range of graduate-level academic programs training researchers and practitioners in the field of public health.

health professionsMedicalPrograms

Postgraduate Medical Training Programs (Residency)

May 21, 2015

UBC offers Family Medicine and 77 specialty and sub-specialty training programs.


Vancouver International Summer Program in Medicine

May 10, 2015

Our program provides an opportunity for international undergraduate students to learn about Canadian culture and medical practices through social activities and classes.
