Closure Information

In the event that heavy snow or an extreme weather event, natural disaster or other emergency should necessitate class cancelations or office closures, closure information will be communicated as follows:

UBC Vancouver Campus (including UBC Hospital Sites)

Listen to local radio stations or access the UBC website for information related to closures of the UBC Vancouver Campus. This would ONLY relate to academic sessions scheduled at the university.
Students (health professions)
Contact your department/program office for updates.
Faculty & staff (departments/ schools/ centres)
Follow procedures as established by your department/office. Confirm operational status of Dean’s Office/divisions as required.
Faculty & staff (Dean’s Office)
As the Dean’s Office units are located on various sites, decisions about operations/services should be ‘site-specific’, based on current weather/road conditions, operational demands, and staff safety. Follow procedures as established by your unit.

MD Undergraduate Program – Vancouver Fraser (UBC Vancouver Campus)

A broadcast communication will be shared with the Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP) faculty and staff on closure information by the Administrative Director, VFMP.
MD students
Students will be contacted by the Year 1&2 Team and/or Year 3&4 Clinical Education Administration Team (CEAT). Refer to policy 039 for more information.

Island Medical Program (UVic)

Faculty (all sites)
Verify UVic website and check your email for updates from the Director of Administration.
Staff (all sites)
Verify UVic website and check your email for updates from the Director of Administration.
MD students
Verify UVic website and check your email for updates from the Program Manager of your respective year. Refer to policy 039 for more information.

MD Undergraduate Program – Northern BC (UNBC)

Faculty/staff/student employees
Listen to local radio stations, access the UNBC website or access the UNBC SAFE app for information about building closures related to the UNBC campus only.
MD students
Students will be contacted by the Year 1&2 and/or Year 3&4 Program Manager. Refer to policy 039 for more information.

MD Undergraduate Program – Interior (UBC Okanagan Campus)

Listen to local radio stations or access the UBC Okanagan Campus website for information related to closures of the UBC Okanagan Campus. This would ONLY relate to academic sessions scheduled at the university. Check your email for updates from a member of the leadership team regarding closures to other sites.
MD students
Students will be contacted by the Year 1&2 and/or Year 3&4 Program Manager. Refer to
policy 38: Delivery Disruptions of Examinations and policy 39: Delivery Disruptions of Classes and Clinical Placements for more information.

Further information:

Faculty of Medicine Guidelines on the Disruption of Services by Snow/Extreme Weather Conditions/Emergencies

Employees who cannot come to work must immediately contact their Supervisor to communicate their decision. Please check messages periodically as they may be updated throughout the day.

Please refer to the UBC policy: Extreme Environmental Conditions Policy (SC5).