Applications for the 20225 MRPM round are now closed.
The Faculty of Medicine Multidisciplinary Research Program in Medicine (FoM MRPM) provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to explore their interest in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research by undertaking a summer project supervised by a cross-faculty pair of researchers based on the success of the University of British Columbia at Okanagan’s Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Projects in Health (MURPH) program.
Application packages must be submitted by a team of supervisors and students who will collaborate on the research project. A complete application research team is comprised of:
- one FoM supervisor
- one non-FoM co-supervisor from another faculty
- one postgraduate student advisor
- two non-MD undergraduate students (in second year or higher)
- optional: one first-year MD student
Each non-MD undergraduate student will receive a $9,400 student stipend (supervisors are required to pay at least $3,400 of that as a top-up) for 16 weeks and optional first-year MD students will receive a $3,200 student stipend for 8 weeks (no supervisor top-up required).
Eligible projects that do not yet have students attached can be advertised on our website, so that interested students can apply directly to the supervisors. If you are a supervisor with a project you would like to advertise to MD or non-MD students, please email a completed Project Posting Form to Once posted, interested students will directly contact supervisors regarding specific projects after which you may apply together to the MRPM as a team.