Matched! Newest crop of UBC doctors head to residency
By Patricia Angel | March 5, 2014
For the second consecutive year, UBC accepted the largest number of entry-level medical residents in university history.
UBC launches Resident Wellness Office
By Patricia Angel | March 4, 2014
Lauren Phelan, Program Assistant, Roger Wong, Associate Dean, and Rebecca Turnbull, Program Counsellor, celebrate the opening of the innovative service.
Graduate student’s animated videos recognized in international competition
By Patricia Angel | February 21, 2014
A series of animations illustrating the science of stem cells by Canadian scientists has won honourable mention in the 2013 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. Created by UBC PhD candidate Ben Paylor and University of Toronto post-doctoral fellow Michael Long, StemCellShorts, a series of short animated videos designed to explain stem cells to a […]
A new technique to target and disable pathological proteins
By bkladko | February 21, 2014
The method, co-discovered by Professor of Neurology Yu Tian Wang, can be applied to Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, stroke and even cancers.
A healthy scoop of support
By Patricia Angel | February 13, 2014
Megan Kilvert started the Ice Cream Rounds at BC Children’s Hospital to help deal with the pressures of medical residency.
Raising awareness of dementia in the Chinese community
By Patricia Angel | January 21, 2014
Associate Dean Roger Wong (centre) was a guest speaker at a recent forum, while UBC medical residents took blood pressure readings.
Graduate student wins Health Talks Student Contest
By Patricia Angel | January 20, 2014
Sarah Chapdelaine, a second year Master of Occupational Therapy student, won the Health Talks Student Contest from the B.C. Patient Safety & Quality Council. The contest was open to all post-secondary, high school and elementary school students in B.C., and asked applicants to express their hopes for health care, either through essay, a video, or […]
PhD students win inaugural awards from Prostate Cancer Canada
By Patricia Angel | January 16, 2014
Two PhD students in the Faculty of Medicine have been selected to be among the inaugural recipients of the Prostate Cancer Canada Graduate Studentship Awards. Peter Axerio-Cilies and Philip Edgcumbe will split a total of $80,000 for two research projects with the potential to transform treatment and recovery for prostate cancer survivors. Axerio-Cilies, a PhD student […]
UBC opens second student-led rehabilitation clinic
By bkladko | January 6, 2014
The new clinic, based in Prince Rupert, is based on a successful initiative first pioneered at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster.
Bruce Wright appointed Regional Associate Dean, Vancouver Island
By Patricia Angel | December 5, 2013
Recruited from the University of Calgary, Dr. Wright will lead undergraduate and postgraduate medical programs throughout Vancouver Island.